• 28 reviews
Play HLS
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Play HLS

A Powerful Chrome Extension for Playing HLS URLs: Your Ultimate Media Companion

With the increasing popularity of online video streaming, having a reliable tool to play HLS URLs is crucial. That's where this amazing Chrome extension comes in. The extension harnesses the power of the hls.js library, allowing you to effortlessly play m3u8 links with ease.

Unleash the Power of HLS Streaming

One of the standout features of this extension is its ability to transmux MPEG-2 Transport Stream and AAC/MP3 streams into ISO BMFF (MP4) fragments. This means that you can enjoy seamless playback of your favorite streaming content without any interruptions or buffering issues.

Seamless Integration with HTML video Element

Unlike other extensions that require additional players, this extension works directly on top of a standard HTML video element. This streamlined approach ensures compatibility and provides a seamless viewing experience.

Convenient and User-Friendly

Installing and using this Chrome extension is a breeze. Simply click on m3u8 links, or paste them into the address bar, and enjoy instant playback. No frills, no extra permissions required. It delivers exactly what you need - a hassle-free way to watch your favorite online videos.

This extension also supports HLS + fmp4, making it future-proof and compatible with the latest streaming technologies. Be at the forefront of the streaming revolution and stay ahead of the curve.

Enhanced Performance with Web Worker

If you have Web Worker available in your browser, the transmuxing process can be performed asynchronously, further optimizing performance and ensuring smooth playback even on resource-intensive videos.

Real Users, Real Reviews

Don't just take our word for it. This Chrome extension has garnered a total rating of 3.4 out of 5 based on user reviews. Users have praised its simplicity and effectiveness in playing HLS URLs. Some have reported minor issues with specific channels, but overall, the majority of users have found it to be a reliable companion for their online streaming needs.


In conclusion, if you're looking for a powerful Chrome extension that seamlessly plays HLS URLs, this extension is a must-have. With its integration with the hls.js library, support for various streaming formats, and positive user reviews, it's a reliable tool that will enhance your streaming experience. Install it today and unlock endless hours of entertainment at your fingertips.

Plays HLS urls in-browser

Uses hls.js library for seamless streaming

Plays m3u8 links through clicking or pasting in address bar

Transmuxing may require Web Worker support

No need for separate video player

28 reviews
4 Reviews For This Extension
Divyansh Rathi

not working yaar

Gaurav Jain

Works as expected! No frills, no extra permissions needed.

จิรา สรแก้ว

this extension not working

Cu0ng Nguy3n

not working

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